Our client, Richmond WA is a non-residential building company, property developer and commercial/industrial steel shed builder who are currently building an office block and analytical and testing laboratories on behalf of Intertek,
an international business based in Britain.
In WA Intertek have expanding their state of the art facilities and industry leading technical expertise for assurance, testing, inspection and certification services for their customers operations and supply chains.
The new laborites and testing services are targeted at the resources sector. They are currently operating from four different locations and a head office in Perth. Intertek are expanding their state-of-the-art facilities and looking to consolidate their WA sites into a single office and testing site, located in Maddington.
The Intertek site required timber wall framing, door frames and timber based ceiling systems, so there would be reduced interference from metal materials that could dramatically impact on the quality of their analytical and testing equipment and procedures, and secondly as their testing and analytical procedures are highly corrosive, timber performs considerably better with much less future maintenance issues and costs associated with corrosion.
Colli has provided since April 2020 to today 10/09/2020 (approx value to date $450k) for this single and unique
project. We expect there is approx another $60 – $80k to go totaling more than $½ million worth of product supply.
Due to the specialised nature of the Intertek site, Richmond WA worked with Colli to provide the high standard
building materials – and as you can see by the numbers below, we certainly delivered!
- Approx 3,000 lm of timber wall framing
- Over 4,000m2 of OSB Bracing
- More than 4,100 lm of Smart Joists
- More than 11,000m2 of pine timber
- 150+ Merbau single, double and slider door jambs/frames
- More than 3,000 lm of Merbau doorstop
We love challenges like this and can’t wait to see the finished product!
Any Day, Any Time – Colli Truss and Frame – Lightweight Timber Construction Heavyweight Solution.