The wall frames are up, floor trusses are in and the roof trusses are on….fast progress for the massive renovation project in Bayswater – Any Day, Any Time – Colli Truss and Frame – Lightweight Timber Construction, Heavyweight Solution.
The wall frames are up, floor trusses are in and the roof trusses are on….fast progress for the massive renovation project in Bayswater – Any Day, Any Time – Colli Truss and Frame – Lightweight Timber Construction, Heavyweight Solution.
The project located in Perth showcases the stunning architecture that can be achieved with the use of timber frames and truss...
Our client, Richmond WA is a non-residential building company, property developer and commercial/industrial steel shed builde...
As we’re sure you know, the Colli Install Team is well underway on the Katanning Seven House Project and it is amazing to see just how much our team...